by providing essential care for orphans, constructing clean water wells, and building schools and mosques fostering a brighter and more sustainable future for those in need. Our mission is;
We welcome donations of any amount to support our mission of orphan care, clean water access, and many more
Years of
Join us in building a mosque to serve as a center for prayer, learning, and community support. Every contribution brings us closer to making this vision a reality.
Help us fight hunger by providing a nutritious meal to those in need. Your support ensures that orphans and families, receive food they need to thrive.
Millions lack access to safe drinking water. Join us in building wells and providing clean water to communities in need. Your support saves lives & improves health.
Join us in providing urgent relief to communities affected by natural disasters. Your support helps deliver food, clean water, shelter, and medical aid to those in need.
Help us support Muslims during the blessed month of Ramadan by providing essential aid such as food, water which helps those in need observe Ramadan.
Help a Muslim family observe Qurban and Akika. Your support provides the opportunity for families to fulfill these important religious obligations.
Bağışım tam söz verildiği gibi kullanıldı—temiz su sağlandı ve yetimlere yiyecek ve eğitim desteği verildi. Güvenle söyleyebilirim ki beni hayal kırıklığına uğratmadılar.
Spenden zu sammeln und Projekte zu unterstützen, war eine lebensverändernde Erfahrung. Den Einfluss hautnah zu sehen, macht jede Mühe lohnenswert. Ich bin stolz, Teil dieser Mission zu sein!
Drago mi je što vidim da moji doprinosi stvarno prave razliku—osiguravajući čistu vodu, podržavajući siročad i gradeći škole i džamije.
We are truly delighted and grateful to see how our donations have made a meaningful impact on those in need, knowing that our contributions are helping provide essentials like clean water and food.
Jam mirënjohës për mundësinë që dhashë për ushqimet e Iftarit gjatë Ramazanit të kaluar. Ishte kënaqësi të shihja komunitetin të lumtur dhe krenar, duke ditur se dhurata ime bëri një ndryshim. Vazhdoni punën e mrekullueshme!
Vous avez rendu mon don de Qurban de l'année 1445H vraiment incroyable. Merci pour votre excellent travail, et continuez ainsi !
Because of our unwavering commitment to transparency, impact, and dedication to those in need.
Our programs have positively transformed lives, and we have success stories to prove it.
Whether big or small, your support directly helps those in need.
Team Support
Total Donation
Donors Help
To empower communities through education, ensure access to safe water & to create a nurturing home environment
You can donate easily through our channels that will be provided by our assistant or via bank transfer, or by through Western Union, Money Gram. We also accept in-kind donations and corporate sponsorships.
Transparency is key to our work. Donations go directly toward funding our programs, supporting communities, and ensuring operational efficiency. We provide regular reports so you can see the impact of your contribution.
Yes! We welcome passionate individuals who want to make a difference. Whether you can contribute time, skills, or expertise, there are various ways to get involved.
You can follow us on social media, or check our website for updates on projects, events, and success stories.
You can support a child in need by providing food, education or healthcare.
Millions lack access to clean water. By helping us repair a water well, you provide safe drinking water.
Help us build a mosque for communities in need, providing a sacred space for prayer, learning, and unity.